Senior Year… And Then What?
Bad News... The Library Lost (fewer) Books [UPDATED]
Good News! Book Donations!
If You Like Our Library, Read This
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New Books (In Trees)!
11th: Research Harlem Renaissance Art (How I...)
Call and Response - A Speech
I Want You To Choose My Homework
New Books!
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11th: Draft of a Dramatic Script (How I...)
11th: Outline of a Dramatic Script (How I...)
9th: Burton Film Techniques Prompt (How I...)
9th: Mood in My Independent Reading Book (How I Would Do It)
A Brief Thank You
Correcting the Conventions Worksheets: A Brief Guide
9th: Cinematic Techniques Comparison (How I...)
This is how I would complete the assignment for this week, in which I must compare the effective use a three cinematic techniques by two different directors. I'll start with a step by step, then expand upon what I would do in each step.
- Identify a bunch of cinematic techniques in Big Fish that I though conveyed important information to the audience beyond just what was on screen.
- Watch TV, movies, and / or YouTube for a film text by a director using the same techniques.
- Identify three of the Big Fish techniques that are effectively used in the text I've chosen, and consider their effect.
- Write a draft.