Sources of Excellent Video Analysis
Nerdwriter (movies/tv/culture)
Lindsay Ellis (film/tv/comics/games)
Lessons from the Screenplay (film)
Now You See It (film)
8-bit Music Theory (game music)
Filmjoy (film)
Feminist Frequency (games/film)
Every Frame a Painting (film)
Kaptain Kristian (film/tv/games/culture)
12tone (music)
Just Write (film)
Folding Ideas (film/culture/games)
Channel Criswell (film)
Polyphonic (music)
Rossatron (action movies)
Games as Literature (games)
Pop Culture Detective (tropes, all media)
Karston Runquist (film/tv)
Wisecrack Content:
Thug-Notes (literature)
Earthling Cinema (film)
Wisecrack Edition (features analysis of philosophy and failure in movies, tv, games)
Vox Content:
Earworm (music)
Strikethrough (culture)
I Love Analysis
Years ago, I remember hearing a definition of analogy as one of the most important human abilities for ensuring our continued survival. In brief, the ability to identify things we've never contacted before as being similar to things we have contacted before has been an extraordinarily useful survival mechanism. Once you've seen a large predatory cat, have witnessed the way it stalked the ground, considered its large teeth, observed the sway of its tail before it pounces, you can easily identify these traits elsewhere - oh, this is like that. Our ancestors that had the misfortune of stumbling upon a lion without caution were likely more cautions when they discovered the leopard. This ability to recognize similarities kept them alive. Today, some cognitive scientists have suggested that not only is analogy the means by which humans adapted to survive novel challenges, but that analogy might be the very foundation of our ability to learn new skills and store memory: analogy may be the core of our cognition.
So here is this thing - analogy - that we teach in school, treated like a device meant for English class, when in fact it may be essential to who we are as thinking beings. Something we use when we get up ("I've woken up late; something similar has happened before and, based on that similarity, I expect this day to suuuuuck"), when we interact with our friends ("she's acting like that again; I'm staying away from her"), and when we go out to restaurants ("I've never eaten here before, but this looks like something I will like"). Basically our waking life is informed by comparisons with the world as we already know it.
So what does this have to do with analysis?
They are both literally rooted in the same meaning, with the root ana- meaning upon, again, throughout, according to. Where analogy is to gather together according to similarities, analysis is deconstructive, to loosen the complexities according to their simple elements. Analysis is, essentially, the practice of developing and using our analogy muscles, stretching them to be more effective and useful to us. To extend the metaphor, analysis is the physical conditioning of wind sprints and gym time to prepare for the athletic main event, storing and processing the world using analogy. In sports, those working the hardest to develop their abilities find success and their way to the upper levels of competition: the Olympics, the Super Bowl, the NBA Finals. In analogy, the most successful become not gifted athletes, but exceptional critical thinkers. They become the best medical professionals, diagnosing illnesses that can save lives; they become capable police detectives, ensuring that criminals are caught and punished; they become creative engineers, developing solutions where others see only problems; they become clever mechanics, identifying and fixing car problems before they become car accidents. The ability to see the analogous in what we have never experienced is a skill that must be honed. Formal analysis is not the only means by which to develop our capacity for analogy, but it is the most intentional and most easily practiced.
Here There Be Analysis
Here's the analysis that I've been enjoying.
Video Analysis
Now You See It - Hands in Movies: Grabbing Your Attention
Beth Elderkin - I’ve Got a Theory that Mean Girls is a Dark Fairytale about a Doppelgänger
Patrick (H) Willems - Why Do Marvel's Movies Look Kind of Ugly?
It's Ok To Be Smart - Why Do All Disney Princesses Look Like Babies?
Just Write - Writing Characters Without Arcs
Lindsay Ellis - Pocahontas Was a Mistake, And Here's Why!
Filmjoy - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Films with Mikey
Earworm - The secret rhythm of Radiohead's "Videotape"
Nerdwriter - How Trump Answers a Question
HipHopDX - Why Hip Hop Hates Will Smith
12tone - Understanding Comfortably Numb
Nerdwriter - Battle Royale: The Best Teen Movie
Wisecrack - The Philosophy of Bo Burnham
Lindsay Ellis - The Ideology of the First Order
Earworm - Why more pop songs should end with a fade out
Borders - How 156 Years of British Rule Shaped Hong Kong
Now You See It - How to Break the Fourth Wall
Just Write - How Blank Panther Fixes Marvel's Most Common Flaws
Earworm - Why this awful sounding album is a masterpiece
Lessons From the Screenplay - Logan vs Children of Men: The End is the Beginning
Kaptain Kristian - David Fincher: Invisible Details
Feminist Frequency - All the Slender Ladies: Body Diversity in Video Games
Nerdwriter - The Most Disturbing Painting
Wisecrack - The Philosophy of Christopher Nolan (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)
Earworm - N.E.R.D.'s hit song "Lemon" owes a lot to New Orleans bounce
Written Analysis
AV Club - On Mission:Impossible, Edge of Tomorrow, and the morbid star power of Tom Cruise.
Mashable - An ode to Chris Pratt's genius on 'Parks and Recreation'
US Gamer - God of War and the Neverending Trials of Greek Mythology
NPR - Reading the Game: The Long Dark
Variety - 'God of War's' Reinterpretation of Norse Mythology
Hollywood Reporter - The Shot Turning the Marvel Universe Upside Down
NPR - Reading the Game: Inside
Kotaku - The Brilliant Use of Fear and Scale in Batman: Arkham Asylum's Scarecrow Levels
NPR: How One Video Game Unflinchingly Tackles Racism With History and Raw Interactions
AV Club - Introducing the Marvel Curriculum: A look at film history via the MCU
NPR - Reading the Game: This War of Mine
NPR - Reading the Game: What Remains of Edith Finch
NPR - Reading the Game: Witcher 3
NPR - Reading the Game: Stardew Valley
NPR - Reading the Game: Bioshock Infinite
NPR - Reading the Game: Red Dead Redemption
NPR - Reading the Game: The Last of Us