In your groups, you will deliver to the class a 10-15 minute presentation that explores the context of To Kill a Mockingbird. You will be responsible for presenting on either the context of the novel’s setting or publication. As a group, you will identify the details of your chosen era that explain the cultural, social, and historical context of the publication.
- At a minimum, you must present two topics per person that explore the novel’s context. Your exploration of context must consider:
- Historical Context: the events that occurred leading up to an event or a time. This generally considers the significance of these events and their effect, both at the time and the time that followed
- Social Context: The physical or social setting in which people live during which something takes place. This generally considers the aspect of life in which people interact - the cultures, people, institutions, classes, etc. that are interacted with.
- Cultural Context: The ideology, traditions, and values that surround and shape a person’s beliefs. This generally considers the details that affect behavior, decision-making, and opportunities.
- Each topic should discuss one or more of these!
- You should consider: people, organizations, and events that are significant. You can even consider important art, music, or films if it helps us understand any of our three contexts. Note: your presentation must use audio/visual media to receive full points.
- Include a handout or question guide for the class that allows them to follow along and respond.
- You will need to share the presentation with me by Monday, March 13th.