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Chunk 4 Presentation - Chapter 14: Chell

Each group will present one chapter during the course of the poetry unit, which must include:

  1. A 10-15 minute lesson that covers the content from the chapter, which must include:

    • At least one piece of media (art, brief film clip, music) exemplifying the topic of your chapter

    • Main points of each subsection explained, with vocab and wrap-up on role of chapter subject

    • 3 brief “Poems for Study” excerpts that exemplify concepts from chapter.

    • Mandatory audience participation and engagement.

  2. 5-10 minute group presentation analyzing one poem from “Poems for Study” section of the chapter. Analysis must rely on chapter’s subject for meaning.

  3. 10-15 minute class analysis of the same poem lead by presentation group. Someone from each chapter must speak. (Presenters can give groups time to discuss amongst themselves)

Presentation Rubric

Presentation is professional (materials clear, concise, well-formatted; face audience; eye contact)

(5 points)

Sources are provided at bottom of each page/slide for concepts, poems, media, etc.

(10 points)

Major points (not just vocab) of each subsection before “Poems for Study” is detailed

(15 points)

Significant vocabulary is defined, exampled, and used effectively by presenters during analysis.

(10 points)

Includes non-poem media (fiction, art, video, song, speech, etc.) that is contextualized so the connection to chapter content is clear. Media should NOT explain chapter topic by itself.

(15 points)

Brief analysis of at least three “Poems for Study” poem excerpts used as examples (1-3 lines only). Summarize poem for context if needed to connect to meaning of poem as a whole.

(15 points)

Audience engaged in Q&A, group/partner discussions, games, etc. Class poem analysis excluded.

(15 points)

After presentation, whole group participates in analysis of “Poem for Study” poem, demonstrating control of chapter’s central concept(s) as it relates to meaning of the poem as a whole.

(10 points)

Each member of group contributes equally and refers to chapter contents knowledgeably.

(5 points)

Total (out of 100)

Earlier Event: February 4
Lit. Dev. Analysis
Later Event: February 8
Chunk 4 CWA