Presentation Rubric
Presentation media (posters, handouts, Google Slides, Powerpoint, Prezi) are clear & professional
(5 points)
Each member of group participates equally and is familiar with entire chapter’s contents
(5 points)
Sources are provided at bottom of each page/slide of presentation for concepts, poems, media, etc.
(10 points)
Significant vocabulary is discussed and used effectively by presenters
(10 points)
Each member participates in a group analysis of one “Poem for Study” poem and demonstrates control of the chapter’s central concept(s) as it relates to meaning within the poem.
(10 points)
Analysis of at least three “Poems for Study” poem excerpts used as examples (can be one or multiple lines, but entire poem is likely not necessary - summarize poem for context if needed)
(15 points)
Includes non-poem media (fiction, art, video, song, speech, etc.) that is contextualized and clearly connected to the chapter’s concept
(15 points)
Each subsection of chapter is addressed (you need not teach the section after “Poems for Study”)
(15 points)
Audience engagement: responding to or asking questions, group/partner discussions, games, etc.
(15 points)
Total (out of 100)